Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Final Episodes of The Bachelor
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A Visit from Grandpa Payne - Happy 75th!

Our Little Guy Is Growing Up

Ten perfect and tiny little toes -- so kissable!

"A mother holds her children's hands for awhile ... Their hearts forever."
Update Regarding November 13's Post
Our Little "Stars"

Hannah Montana number
"I'll Build You a Rainbow" number
Our Bishopric - The CTR Idol judges
"Throw the Trash Out" Number
This was also a busy event for Lloyd. He was in charge of the roadshows for the stake as part of his calling in the Stake YMs Presidency.
The next day Katelyn and Kylie did the Primary program at church. Kristi was in charge of this one. The Primary children all did a beautiful job and the spirit was really strong. My favorite moment was when they children sang "Love Is Spoken Here." Our Senior Primary boys really shined. I really love serving in the Primary!

The Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation theme was "I'll Follow Him in Faith"
On Friday, November 2 Katelyn was in a Missoula Children's Theater Performance of Robinson Crusoe. She was part of the Frowny-Faced Tribe that had crazy hair and colorful outfits. She did a great job singing and even had one line.
The Robinson Crusoe cast
They were a cute, "scary," tribe!

Today Courtney gave her first official sacrament meeting talk on knowledge. She researched and wrote the talk all by herself. She did an excellent job and received several compliments. Kylie also gave a talk in Primary and spoke about all the things she is grateful for. She is a great reader! It's fun to see these kids really shine!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I Can't Wait Until Christmas Vacation!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Halloween Happenings
We had a wonderful Halloween. We really enjoyed the ward party at church. We played a lot of games and the kids got tons of candy at the trunk-or-treating. Everyone enjoyed dressing up and looked really cute!

Katelyn - Our Princess

Kylie - Our Butterfly
Cameron - Our Fireman
Conner - Our Little Bear
Mom and Dad - Our 50's couple
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
We Have a Star!

Monday, October 29, 2007
Pumpkin Patch
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Family Updates
Lloyd is working a lot; he's trying to work a double shift every week so we can have a little extra. He is in the second counselor in the Stake YMs and is in charge of coordinating the roadshows for the entire stake. He just ordered our new pool liner and wishes he had more time to spend working on the backyard. We all celebrated when we learned Lloyd got Halloween night off.
Kristi enjoyed her half marathon, but hasn't gone on a run since. She's been doing Body Pump and Turbo Kick classes at the gym. She's trying to eat a little better to lose the last 12 pounds to get to her pre-pregnancy weight. She picks up a lot after the kids and is almost always doing laundry. She is in charge of the Primary program at church (Oct. 28) which seems to be going pretty well. She's been buying a few items from ebay including the kids' Halloween costumes and a professional flat iron.
Courtney is becoming a teenager. She is in our ward's roadshow. She also started back with Girl Scouts (Kristi is the leader). She just took her earrings out and is sporting a different pair every day. She loves to instant message on the computer and play her SIMS 2 Pets game. Courtney also loves the trophy (2nd place) she got from her last soccer tournament.
On Tuesday, Katelyn and Kylie switched back to the Standiford, the school that they went to last year. Originally, they had to go to our neighborhood school because their transfer to Standiford was denied, but Standiford called on Friday and asked us if we wanted to come back. The girls decided they would. Now all of the girls are on a traditional schedule instead of year round. Katelyn adores her new teacher. She is also back to Girl Scouts and ballroom dancing. She has improved so much in soccer and is really helping her team out this year.
Kylie is all over the soccer field! I keep reminding her not to be a "ball hog." She scores at least five goals a game (there are no goalies at her level). She has also started gymnastics. Her teacher says it comes pretty naturally to her. I would love for her to compete in gymnastics like I did, we'll see. She is such a great reader. I wish I could take the credit, but it comes from her kindergarten teacher and her own ability. She also is enjoying Brownie Girl Scouts. Kylie keeps telling us she doesn't want to grow up because she doesn't want to get her period (we're preparing Courtney for this one) or have a baby. She says she just wants to be ten years old not any older.
Cameron is Cameron - never a dull moment when he's around. He thinks some Halloween things are "scary." He locked me out of the house three times last week, lost my license(luckily Kylie found it inside a dollhouse in the garage), and throws things out his bedroom window on the second story. He also sneaks into the car to eat gum and swallow it. I think he swallowed 4-5 pieces one day. Even though he keeps us on our toes, he is very sweet. He always has a kiss for us and says very precious things. When I say "How old are you?" He says "I'm three years old." When I ask how old I am he says, "You're Sister Payne." Also, when he makes a mess in his room or breaks something I say "Who did this?" and he readily admits, "I did it!" Last week he ripped up the two framed pictures I had of the boys with their newborn pictures and footprints. Oh well! Cameron also loves going to his play group with four other little boys every Tuesday and Thursday.
Conner is now 9 months old. I keep telling him not to grow up, but he isn't listening. I love all the baby stages, but he's at an especially cute one right now! He is always smiling at us and so very happy. He still loves to climb up the stairs and continues to do the army crawl. He loves to eat and nurse. He is getting his 8th tooth. It's funny he had 7 teeth for so long and the one that is coming in on the bottom is finally going to even things up. He has recently learned how to shake his head "no" and does it all the time to get attention. Now we are trying to teach him to wave bye-bye. He loves the vacuum. He gets a huge smile on his face whenever he sees the vacuum and always chases after it. I think he looks so cute when he sits on the seat in a shopping cart. He holds the little bar and smiles at everyone he sees. I told the girls I may just have to take a picture of him in the shopping cart (Courtney thinks that would be very embarrassing). He is sleeping well. He goes to sleep around 10 and wakes up around 7. He and Cameron already really love each other. I think those two are going to be trouble together. Tonight I asked the girls, "Is it just me or is Conner really cute?" They said he really is a cute baby. We are so blessed to have him. I have to admit I love it that he can't talk back to me yet. I adore his little blonde head and precious blue eyes. He looks a lot like Kylie. I guess you could say I'm smitten with our little guy.
Well, that's life around here. I'm grateful this blog is helping me record some things about the kids. I haven't written in my journal in a long time. I'm trying to enjoy these precious years with my children.
An Adored Prophet

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A Priceless Feeling

Worn in running shoes:
35 dollars
MP3 player with all favorite songs:
85 dollars
Half Marathon entry fee:
40 dollars
The thrill of running 13.1 miles and crossing the finish line:
Yes, I really enjoyed the race along with my two friends Ann and Julie. The course race was very flat which I loved. The weather was perfect (not too hot or cold), except for a little wind. I completed the race in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Julie and Ann were 7 minutes ahead of me at 1 hour 57 minutes. I was excited that I beat my goal by 11 minutes; my goal was to finish in 2 hours 15 minutes. I think the pizza and cookies I ate the night before gave me extra energy and the songs Lloyd had downloaded for me kept me moving. I got a little tired around mile 9, but not too bad. The only mile that was hard was mile 13 because I knew I was almost there. It was such an exhilarating feeling when I finished. A runner's high really is priceless. Ann and I (and maybe Julie) are looking forward to doing a full marathon in October 2008 in St. George, UT. Something to train hard for - 26 miles is twice as many as 13!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
How Well Do You Know the Paynes? -Trivia Questions
1. Where did Kristi and Lloyd meet?
2. Where did Lloyd grow up?
3. Where did Kristi grow up?
4. Where did Lloyd and Kristi go on their honeymoon?
5. What color is our house in Modesto?
6. What month was Conner born in?
7. Who is the only member of our family that wears glasses?
8. What is Lloyd's all-time favorite sport?
9. What is Kristi's all-time favorite sport?
10. What is our family car?
11. What grade is Courtney in this year?
12. What college did Lloyd graduate from?
13. What college did Kristi get her MA from?
14. What restaurant do we often go to on Tuesdays/Saturdays because kids eat free (2 kids for every adult)?
15. What is Cameron's favorite toy?
16. What school did Kristi teach at for 6 years and Courtney go to for kindergarten?
17. What is Kylie's middle name?
18. What is our cat's name?
19. What type of dancing does Katelyn take?
20. Cameron was born on the day Courntey turned what age?
21. What was the name of the dog we had for two years?
22. What color sofas do we have?
23. What year were both Lloyd and Kristi born?
24. How long does it take Lloyd to get to work?
25. How many bedrooms does our home have?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thoughts on Motherhood
Being a mom is definitely my greatest joy and greatest challenge. I constantly worry if I am doing a good enough job. Am I too strict or too lenient? Am I helping my children to develop their talents or am I over scheduling them? Should I tell them what to do or have them figure it out on their own? Do I do enough or too much for them? Do they know how much I love them? Am I enjoying them enough when they are still little? I feel so inadequate at times. This job is too important to do it wrong! I have tried to let my kids know that I am aware of my imperfections and I am simply doing the best I can. I feel so blessed to be a mother. I am grateful the Lord gave me the opportunity to be a mother to the five spirits that were sent to me and Lloyd. The Lord must have had some faith in me, so I'll trust in that faith. I recently saw a scrapbook page about "50 Reasons I Love Being a Girl." Well, I have plans to do a similar one with motherhood. My journaling for this page appears below.
50 Things I Love About Being a Mother
♥I have an excuse to eat PB&J sandwiches. ♥ I get to plan fun birthday parties. ♥I have the joy of seeing my husband be a father. ♥I experienced the miracle of giving birth. ♥It helps me to appreciate all my mom did for me. ♥Christmas morning wouldn’t be the same. ♥I always have someone to go out to ice cream with. ♥I have someone to buy cute outfits for. ♥I have plenty of scrapbook pages to do. ♥I get to see my daughter’s dance recitals. ♥I can enjoy again the movies I loved as a child (i.e. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, and Midnight Madness) ♥I always get something special on Mother’s Day. ♥I’ll get to be a grandma. ♥ I can kiss my baby’s feet or neck whenever I want. ♥There’s always something to laugh at. ♥ I get to see my children learn how to read. ♥The tooth fairy visits our house. ♥I got to name my children. ♥I always have someone to say “I love you” to. ♥Swim lessons are part of my summer routine. ♥ I have learned to love the Disney channel. ♥ I get to wrap my kids in a towel after they take a bath. ♥Disneyland vacations are the best. ♥I’ve memorized the words to Goodnight Moon. ♥I get to experience the excitement of going back to school. ♥I’ve always got crayons in the house. ♥I have someone to bake cookies for. ♥I get lots of hugs. ♥I can give one of the kids the chore of unloading the dishwasher. ♥My Saturdays are never dull during soccer season. ♥I am constantly being humbled. ♥I get to smell baby shampoo. ♥I get to buy some pretty exciting toys. ♥I am never lonely. ♥I always have someone to play a game with. ♥I get to be a Girl Scout leader. ♥I’ve learned to be a bit more patient. ♥Family Home Evening is always an adventure. ♥I see a lot of smiles. ♥I still sing Primary songs. ♥I get to be called “Mommy.” ♥I always have a drawing or craft project to hang up. ♥I don’t have to work outside of the home. ♥I get to relearn the Articles of Faith. ♥I have someone to go to the park with. ♥I can share my thoughts on motherhood with other moms. ♥Usually one of my kids will get me a drink of water if I ask nicely. ♥I have some cute photos to put up around the house. ♥I can raid my kids’ Halloween candy. ♥I have an amazing husband and five beautiful spirits I get to spend eternity with.
Conner: Growing Up Too Fast

Four Recent Birthdays
Courtney with new pierced ears!
Birthday boy and girl with sundaes at Red Robin
Cameron loves his new "train" tent.
Kylie loved her PJ party!
Me and my 7-layer chocolate cake!