It's hard to believe it's already 2008. My friend, Laura, who encouraged me to start a blog gave a review of her 2007 on her blog and encouraged her readers to do the same. I am using the same format Laura used:
An unexpected blessing - My greatest blessing of 2007 was the safe birth of Conner McKay Payne on January 9. Because of that, Lloyd got to take two months off and get sick pay using family leave. I never dreamed I would have two months off with my husband. It was like a dream life for us. We got to spend lots of stress-free time together. Our marriage was never better. Another unexpected blessing came when my sister flew out for Conner's blessing. I had no idea she was coming, it was a complete surprise!
Feeling Important - I feel important when Conner hold his arms out for me and only me. I know I'm the only one in the world he wants at that moment. Cameron reacts in a similar way when I pick him up from the gym child care; he's so happy to see me. I also feel important when Primary children see me at church or other places and their eyes just light up because they know I really care about them. (I really love serving in the Primary Presidency.)
Craziest Thing I Did - This would have had to have been on July 21 when I took 7 kids to see the Harry Potter movie at the drive in by myself. Then, on the way home, we stopped to buy the final Harry Potter book at around 1 am. The older kids watched the kids in the car while I ran in the store. It was also really crazy when Lloyd and I floated down the river with another couple (the Haslems) and underestimated the amount of time it would take. We were kicking like crazy on our air mattress and laughing the entire time.
Smartest Thing I Did - I decided to get an epidural when Conner was born. It was perfect and made my last delivery so enjoyable. I have to add the smartest thing Lloyd says he did and that was to get "fixed" so we don't have to worry about any more little ones coming our way. Another smart thing I did was go back to Weight Watchers and the gym right after Conner was born. I still am not to my pre-pregnanacy weight, but it could be worse.
Funniest Moment - This occurred when our family when to a small children's amusement park in San Jose called Happy Hollow. My brother Brad was visiting with his son and wife. We all wanted to take a family picture at one of those scenes where the heads are cut out and you stick your head in the cut out. Well, there was this little Asian girl around 5 years old who wanted to stick her head in every cut out. We kept waiting for her to be done so we could get our family photo. I even politely asked her dad if she could just give us one second to take a family photo. She would not listen and refused to leave the cut outs. Consequently, she is in the cut out face with my brother Brad. It was so hilarious; you really had to be there. Here's the picture:

Most Proud Moment - When I trained for and ran the half marathon in September. I did better than I thought I would and I was proud I did it only nine months after having a baby.
Most Enjoyable Gifts/Purchases- My new camera (Cannon Rebel XT) that Lloyd insisted I get for my birthday; I had a couple friends who really recommended it (thanks, Laura and Stacey). I also love my Chi flat iron that I got off of e-bay (the girls and I use it a lot).
An Answer to a Prayer - My mom got very sick and ended up in the hospital last January with a pancreatic attack. The whole family prayed and fasted for her and after having her gallbladder removed, she returned to good health.
Best Trip- Our family vacation to Yosemite. It was very beautiful and relaxing. I'm glad we went with Yosemite. The kids had never been and we live so close!
Best Book I Read - I already mentioned the last Harry Potter book so I have to say the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer. By friend Kim told me about them in July 2006 and I didn't read them until October 2007. I am officially hooked! I can't wait for the next book and movie to come out.
Goals I Achieved - I am glad I have been able to keep up with my scrapbooking by going to Friday night scrapbooking about once a month. I am really tired the next day, but I'm glad for what I got done. Lloyd is very understanding about it. I know I wouldn't be able to do it at home. Also, I am glad I started this blog with Laura's support and encouragement. It's been fun to visit the blogs of some of my friends too.
Sentimental Moment - There isn't one that really stands out. I think it is in the little moments when I realize how blessed I am for my beautiful family. It's weird to think my family is complete. Now we just have to work on enduring to the end so we can be together forever.