I had a bit of a meltdown on Sunday night because the sixteen days of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games came to a close. I was kinda fake crying in my room and my girls came in and asked me what was the matter. I said, "I'm just so sad because the Olympics are over." What I loved most about the Olympics is that they were on almost 24/7 for the last couple weeks. I stay up late a lot and am almost always alone because Lloyd is at work. I have loved being able to turn the TV to the Olympics almost every night. Yes, I will admit some of the coverage was on very late and I did have to
DVR a few events. I was actually shocked when I woke up in the morning and learned the US Women's Gymnastics Team didn't get the team gold medal. I really liked the fact that the Olympics coverage was wholesome and inspiring entertainment. There is so much garbage on TV these days and I loved viewing something that was worthwhile. I will be running a marathon (yes, 26.2 miles) in about six weeks. The training is a sacrifice and can be very challenging at times. Sometimes I even feel like I am torturing myself. However, watching the amazing athletes in the Olympic games has been so inspiring. I know how much they sacrifice to get to that level of competition. I can imagine how much hard work, special training, and even pain these athletes must endure. They have given me hope that I will be able to reach my goal of running a marathon. I ran 22 miles last Saturday and it actually went pretty well. This will be my second, and maybe last marathon. Anyway, back to the Olympics. I have to name my five favorite sports to watch: #1 - Gymnastics (of course) #2- Diving (I am amazed by the synchronized dives) #3- Synchronized Swimming (I only saw a little bit of this, but I thought it looked so challenging) #4 - Beach Volleyball and #5 - It's a toss up between swimming or track. I am disappointed I missed the marathon competition. Now here's my top five favorite things from these Olympic games #1- When Shawn Johnson finally got her gold medal on the balance beam. I had been rooting for Shawn the whole games and was glad she finally got her gold. My girls and I were jumping up and down and
screaming in the living room. #2- When
Nastia Luikin won the All Around. I thought it would be Shawn, but I was happy for
Nastia and her dad. I can't believe her mom didn't even watch! #3- Michael Phelps (Need I say more?) This guy is superhuman, but also very humble, a team player, and a Mama's boy! #4- When the Men's Gymnastics Team got the bronze without the
Hamm brothers. They were so happy and grateful. #5 - The overall Olympic experience. China really outdid themselves. I only saw clips here and there of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, but they were breathtaking. They put attention into every detail and it obviously took years to plan and months to rehearse. I was very impressed by the job they did and from what I heard so were all those that attended. Of course, there is always some
controversy over things. But I loved these Olympics and will dearly miss them. I guess I'll be looking forward to London in 2012!