Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Birthday Breakfast

I Got a "Time Out"

Then we went to check into our hotel in Sacramento. We met 13 other girls and women there for a "time out." Time Out for Women is actually a conference given by Deseret Books. I was able to attend two other Time Out for Women conferences before this one. I was really excited when I learned that the this year's Sacramento conference would be held on my birthday. I knew I had to make a party of it and invite everyone I know. These conferences are so uplifting and motivating. It's like a mini EFY for moms. The conference began Friday night with speaker James Ferrell (the author of a favorite book of mine, The Peacegiver). The theme of his talk was "Up is down and down is up, as long as down is before the Lord." He talked a lot about avoiding pride and humbling ourselves before the Lord. The musical performances on Friday evening were done by Cherie Call. Her music is beautiful and she shares how she gets the ideas for her songs. I would highly recommend her work. One thing she shared that I really like was "Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Tips" which are listed below.
* For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
*For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
*For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
*For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
*For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
*People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
*Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
The pictures below were taken on Friday night. Amber, Sharece, Kim, and Marcie
Emily, Debbie, and Lori
Me, Stacey, and Regina
Tanda, Lori, and Ann
My mom and sister-in-law, Chareen
The whole group
My birthday ended with a little party back at the hotel. I got two of my very favorite desserts - cheesecake and Texas sheetcake. I got some to open some presents. I felt very spoiled, but also very grateful. I feel so blessed to have such special friends and family.
The Time Out for Women conference continued on Saturday. The music was performed by Kenneth Cope. I remember him doing the music when I attended EFY. When I was 14 years old, the theme was "Win the Race" and he came out with the song "Never a Better Hero." This song talks about how Christ is our hero and it is still a favorite of mine after all these years. Mary Ellen Edmunds was the first speaker of the day. She is such a funny lady and had the entire audience cracking up throughout her entire talk. She spoke about us having more patience and love with one another. She reminded us how much patience and love the Lord has for us. I like a question that another speaker, Carolyn Rasmus, asked us. The question is, "What are you NOT doing that prevents the Spirit of the Lord from being with you?" Of course, she reminded us that prayer and scripture study are essential if we want the Spirit of the Lord with us. Jason Wright spoke the atonement. He stated that many of us understand and accept the atonement for its redeeming power, but we fail to use the atonement's power to strengthen and enable us. He reminded us that we are not asked to do everything on our own. The Lord will help us carry our burdens if we only ask. He also spoke about coming to know the Savior as a person and not just someone we read about in the scriptures. Sharon Larsen ended the conference with a talk entitled, "Make Room for Joy." "A Joyful Life" was actually the theme of the entire conference. I came to understand how much peace and joy are related to each other. Sometimes I feel I have so little peace in my life, with a house full of kids, crazy schedules, and so many demands that are put upon me. I am glad I had a "time out" from all of that so that I could set some personal goals. My first goal is to develop a more personal relationship with the Savior. I want to know Him better and more fully partake of His atonement. I want to take time to feed myself spiritually. I want to be more loving, more patient, and less quick to judge. One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Nephi 2:25, "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." We were meant to have joy in this life. The entire conference can be summed up in a line from the church song Learn of Me, "The peace I feel, my joy in sacred things, surpasses all the world could ever bring." I left the conference feeling like I was on cloud 9. I told Lloyd I have really had a change of heart and have no desire to do evil. Unfortunately, I know this feeling will not last forever. I know I will become discouraged again. I will sin again. I will forget to rely and trust in my Savior. I want to make the time to nourish and feed my Spirit. It's hard to find this time at this stage in my life, but I understand how vital it is. I learned from the conference that the Lord wants us to succeed. We were not sent here to fail. With the Lord, all things are possible.
Family Birthday Bash

They got Cameron this huge Thomas the train balloon that plays music. He would see it and want it every time we went to the grocery store. I would say, "Maybe you'll get it for your birthday." Well, they made him one overjoyed boy when they actually did get it for him for his birthday.

Courtney got a new soccer ball since she needed a bigger size this year.

They got Kylie a game. She's our competitive one. They also got me some scrapbook supplies.

Kylie loves her guitar that plays tons of songs and music. Grandma had to confess that she got an amazing deal on it from the thrift store.

Bittersweet/Primary Talent Show

Lloyd also got to share some of his talents at the talent show. He made a DVD of some of the primary children acting out their talents. He did a great job putting it all together and even added some sound effects. Lloyd also grilled hot dogs for everyone to eat at the talent show. He was really in his element; he loves to cook or barbecue. Conner showcased the talent of being cute like he always is.
The Primary Talent Show was a huge success for everyone involved. Our presidency didn't know this would be our last activity so it was great to finish on a high note.
Monday, September 22, 2008
And the Winners Are...
Friday, September 5, 2008
MY 100th POST -My 35th Birthday!
1-I don’t own a cell phone and have never sent a text message.
2-I got my drivers license after I got married when I was 20.
3-Both of my parents and all of my siblings, including me graduated from BYU.
4-I played a stripper in my high school musical
5-When I was in college, we did a “pencil test” to see how many kids I would have. It said 3 girls and 2 boys and ended up being right!
6-Utah is the farthest east I’ve been.
7-I got my first bikini wax this year.
8-I am training for my second and possibly last marathon.
9-I have two (Courtney and Cameron) and maybe three (Conner) kids who are left-handed.
10-I took my first pregnancy test at Target.
11- I’ve met Mary Lou Retton, Robert Redford, and Steve Young.
12-I do almost all my shopping at Costco.
13-I can recall birthdays and phone numbers very easily.
14-I can’t whistle and my kids always tease me about it.
15-I avoid taking any medications, if I possibly can.
16-I almost always fall asleep when watching a video.
17-My new favorite gym class is the Spin class.
18-I don’t have glasses or contacts.
19- I can name all the Bachelors and Bachelorettes.
20-I don’t know how to shuffle cards or play chess.
21-I had two “surprise” pregnancies and both of the babies were born on August 29 –nine years apart.
22-I moved six times as a child.
23-I enjoy balancing my checkbook.
24- I only wear Emeraude perfume, just like my mom.
25-I’m not allergic to anything.
26-I love to take baths and sometimes take 2-3 a day in the winter.
27-I’ve been a Girl Scout leader for 8 years and was a Girl Scout as a child.
28-I’ve never owned a bikini.
29-I would like to serve a mission with Lloyd some day.
30-I would not be able to live without my Body Pump class at the gym.
31-Gymnastics has always been my favorite sport and I competed as a young woman.
32-I absolutely can’t stand clutter. I take things to the Goodwill or DI trailer at least once a month.
33-I love water slides and always have dreams about them.
34-I love desserts.
35-I’ve had the same comb for 17 years. I bought it in 1991 right before my freshman year in college. I get stressed out if I ever misplace it!
So, that’s my list. Anything surprise you?
Please leave a comment with at least one random thing about you! Good Luck to everyone!
P.S. I've extended the contest until Monday, September 22 and thanks to my mom will be giving away two gift cards!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Kylie's 7th Birthday

Courtney Is a Teenager!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Cameron Turns 4!

Cameron and his preschool buddy, Collin.
Cameron and Skyler
Cameron and Joey
We ended the party with mini cupcakes with firetruck whistles.

Our birthday boy and birthday girl with all their presents!

His new firetruck ( from Costco if anybody wants to know)

Another train set - I think he can attach the tracks by himself so that's a big plus.
As I look at my boy growing up, I just have to name a few things I love and adore about him. I love that twinkle in his eye that he gets when he smiles really big. I love how he watches out for Conner. If Cameron gets himself a snack he always get some to share with Conner. He calls Conner "my baby" and always says, "I love my baby." I love how honest he is. Whenever we ask "Who made this mess?" or "Who ate the cookies?" He proudly proclaims, "I did it!" Of course, I love it that he's finally potty trained. I think it's kinda cute that he still loves his nigh-night so much, but I'm wondering when he will finally be done with this ragged and ripped blanket. My brother wanted me to leave it in Hawaii! I love how excited Cameron get about the little things like a treat or a trip to the park. He insists on eating his cereal from the same blue bowl every day; he has to eat it with a huge serving spoon. I love to read books to him - one is never enough. I love to help him say his prayers. He's our family's alarm clock almost every day. At the crack of dawn he yells out, "It's morning time!" I am enjoying watching my first son grow and develop. It's hard to imagine him as a teenager, missionary, or grown man. I know someday he will be all of these. For now, I will cherish the precious times we have together and hope he doesn't grow up too fast.