It's life's little moments that matter the most.
Said the Lord in a revelation given through the Prophet Joseph Smith, “In nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things.” May we be found among those who give our thanks to our Heavenly Father. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues.
Despite the changes which come into our lives and with gratitude in our hearts, may we fill our days—as much as we can—with those things which matter most. May we cherish those we hold dear and express our love to them in word and in deed.
When I taught third grade I always enjoyed teaching my students about the pilgrims and how they came to America for religious freedom. I am grateful to them, the founding fathers of America, and the Mormon pioneers. Because of all of them, I have the gospel in my life. For a few years now I've made a blessing mix that reminds us of all the sacrifices of the pilgrims. I got the recipe from my mom and like to layer it in a quart jar.
I attach a tag with these descriptions to it:
Even when I have a bad day, I always realize how very blessed I am. I just wanted to list a few of my greatest blessings. First, I am most grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and His atonement for me. I would really have no purpose without Him and His plan. I am so*Bugles: Shaped like a cornucopia or Horn of Plenty, a symbol of our nation's abundance.
*Candy corn: Sacrifices of the Pilgrims' first winter. Food was so scarce that settlers survived on just a few kernels of corn a day.
*Nuts: Promise of a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and
tended with diligence.
*Raisins: Harvest gifts of our bountiful land.
*M&Ms: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future.
*Pretzels: Arms folded in prayer, a freedom sought by those who founded our country.
More of our friends met us in line at the theater.
There was a lot of excitement in the air as we waited outside the theater for about an hour. The line went around the block and was shown on three different screens. Several fans wore their Twilight shirts or dressed up like a vampire. It was amazing to see how many fans there are.
Once they opened up the doors, we all scrambled to find the perfect seats. It was a bit crazy and chaotic. A lot of us got separated from each other, but we all found a seat. Then we just had to wait until midnight for the official movie date release (11-21-08). I felt a little wired. I think I had too much diet Pepsi at dinner and my body didn't know what to do with all that caffeine. Finally, a little after midnight, the waiting was over and the movie began. It began with Bella in Arizona (loved all the cactus plants) and showed her moving to Forks. Bella narrated throughout the movie. It was interesting to see how different characters were portrayed. I felt like Carlisle and Jasper were a bit over the top. I think Esme, Alice, and Rosalie were right on. Rosalie could have looked more model-like though. I think Kristen Stewart (Bella) and Robert Pattinson (Edward) did a thorough job with their roles. I guess my biggest disappointment came from the overall quality of the film. It seemed very low budget to me and the special effects weren't that great. I tried to go in with low expectations, but was still a bit disappointed. I thought the scene in the meadow where Edward shows Bella how he sparkles in the sun was weak. Jacob also seemed a bit awkward with his wig. It was a little over the top when they showed Carlisle biting and changing his family members, and when Edward sucked Bella's blood after James had bit her. I didn't really care for some of the cheesy comments throughout the movie, like when Eric shows Bella a worm at the greenhouse or how silly Jessica was when she tried on her prom dress. There are some things I really liked about the movie though. I really enjoyed the baseball scene. I thought James and the other vampires were interesting to watch. I was surprised at how nice looking Chief Swan was; I hadn't pictured him that young or good looking. I think the funniest part was when the Cullens were trying to make dinner for Bella and Rosalie broke the glass bowl when Bella said she'd already eaten. I did like the last scene at the prom. Bella looked really pretty in the blue dress, but I didn't like the sweater she wore with it. I read "Midnight Sun" the week the movie came out and I enjoyed reading everything from Edward's perspective. I think the movie did a good job incorporating some of the feelings and events that were described in "Midnight Sun." So there's my little review of Twilight. I've only seen it once and would like to see it again in the theater. A few friends told me they liked it better the second time. I guess they will be making "New Moon" into a movie. It will have a different director and I don't know if they'll be getting a different actor to play Jacob. I think it may have a bigger budget so the special effects may be better. "New Moon" is my least favorite book in the series, but of course I won't miss the movie. Thanks to all the Twilight fans who attended the midnight showing with me. I didn't let Courtney attend the midnight showing, but she saw the movie Saturday morning. By the way, we ordered some amazing Twilight bookmarks from ebay. Click on the link to see them. We especially liked #14 Twilight Bookmarks
Kylie celebrating after she scored a goal!
Kylie received a medal from her coach at their pizza party. They don't have tournaments or rank teams in her age division. She would have liked to have gotten a trophy like her sisters did.