I always knew I wanted to do a triathlon some day. I wanted to branch out and do something besides running. Also, Lloyd mentioned to me that Jennifer Lopez had done a triathlon after she had her twins. I thought if she can do it so can I! I was planning to do one in August and another in September. I found out a few friends were going to do a
Tri for Fun on June 20 and I couldn't resist getting involved. Of course, I wasn't worried about the running part, but I was worried about the biking and even more about the swimming. I had an old bike in the shed that I got at Target over ten years ago. Both the tires were flat because I hadn't used it in years. As for the swimming, I knew I could swim, but not more than a few laps. I seemed to get tired after a couple laps of
freestyle and always felt out of breath. Despite, my doubts about my bike and swimming ability, I decided to go for the
Tri for Fun in
Pleasanton on June 20. It's actually a great first-time triathlon with short distances - 400 meter swim, 11 mile bike ride, 3.1 mile run. They don't even record the participants time, it's strictly a "fun" competition. My training up to the triathlon went okay. I would swim freestyle laps at my gym. I found if I breathed every stroke I didn't get out of breath. I gave up on counting laps and would time myself for up to 30 minutes of swimming. I was worried about the water
being cold at the lake where the
triathlon was held. I
swam in our cold pool a couple times to make sure I could swim in cold water. One time I
hyperventilated while swimming in our pool and it was pretty scary, but I got through it okay. My bike riding started out slow. I did enjoy it because you can go a lot faster on a bike than you can running. However, as far as cycling goes I was pretty slow. I had been doing spin classes at the gym for a while, but riding outside is quite different. I took my bike in to the bike shop and got it a tune up and some more road-friendly tires. That seemed to help a bit. At least, the bike shop workers said I would make it through the 11 mile ride. I stayed at my mom's house in San Jose the night before the triathlon. I was pretty anxious about the whole thing. I practiced my transitions. I bought a
tri suit that goes straight from the swim to the bike. I really love the suit; I insisted it be all black so I wouldn't look too fat in it. I arrived at Shadow Cliff Park in
Pleasanton about an hour and a half before the race began. I couldn't believe how many people were there - over 700, I think. I could barely find a place to rack my bike.

Here I am before the race begins. I carefully set up all my gear.
Here I am in my tri suit, swim cap, and goggles. I know it's such a fashionable outfit. The water wasn't too cold and I was so glad about that.

Here I am after just completing the 400 meter swim. I was surprised at how fast it went - only about 10 minutes. It was very crowded though with about 150 swimmers in the water at once. One girl started doing the back stroke right next to me and was hitting me in the head. I snagged this photo from the photographer who took pictures at the event.

Here I am on the bike with my friend (just kidding - I don't know who this guy is). I had a couple problems on the bike. I had to stop twice because my shoelace got wrapped around my pedal. Then I switched gears too quickly. I damaged my
derailer and my chain came off. I started to panic, but luckily I was able to get my chain back on fairly easily and could finish on the bike. It was actually a very flat ride and a little less than 11 miles. I was a bit discouraged when all the bikers on road bikes passed me up, but I kept plugging away on my mountain bike.

Here I am right after the bike, about to transition to the run. I almost forgot to take off my bike helmet before the run. That would have been a sight!

The transition from bike to run is pretty hard on your legs. My legs feel like "jello" for at least a mile after I get off the bike. I was so excited to have my headphones and MP3 player on the run. The music really got me going. The run had a few more hills than I usually run. Here I am a little crazy for the camera. I guess I was having fun.

The run was actually a little longer than 3.1. I was excited to see the finish line. I had made it through my first
triathlon! My time on the clock shows 1:37, but I started 15 minutes after the clock in the fourth wave of swimmers. I guess that means it took my 1:22 to complete. Honestly, the whole thing felt like it was only 15 minutes long. After running marathons and half marathons, this seemed so much faster and more exciting. I loved that I wasn't running the entire time. I love how the swimming and biking aren't as hard on your joints. Yes, I'll admit I think I was bitten by the
triathlon bug. I couldn't wait to do another one. I knew I couldn't wait until August before doing another one. I went home and found one three weeks after this one on July 11. The swim and bike would be longer, but I was up for the challenge. I actually try to convert everyone I know to try a triathlon. I guess I just assume others will love them as much as I do. Honestly, they aren't that hard. Most people would be
surprised that they could do it. If anyone is even considering it, I would say "Go for it!" I'd be happy to help or give advice to anyone interested.

Lloyd couldn't come to watch me at the
triathlon because he had to work. After he got off work, I begged him to take me out to my favorite restaurant in San Jose - The
Sonoma Chicken Coop.

I even enjoyed some chocolate fondue. It was a great celebration!