Top 10 Scrapbook Cabin 2010 Memories
1- Getting caught in a blizzard. It was pretty scary. Bless Bishop Zwahlen's heart for coming to rescue us.
2- All 11 of us braiding our hair and getting the adorable picture above. Lloyd said it looks like "Mormom Moms Gone Wild"
3- Our "food babies." The fathers were mint brownie, scotcheroo, or oreo.
4- Doing step class, the splits, and gymnastics in the kitchen area.
5- Another year of Cafe Rio. We can never have enough Cafe Rio! I should add, we can never have enough diet Pepsi either.
6- "Frozen diapers" - Ashleigh never fully explained this one so we are still wondering.
7- My crush on Paul, aka Tom Selleck
8- Brittany shoveling snow
9- "Nuggets" and "Sizing Up" (I think you had to be there).
10- Lauri reminding us that this is "the last time" for the scrapbooking cabin. We hope not, but we also understand.
Me - for some reason I like to stand when I scrapbook!
Starla and Lauri
Kathryn and Cindy
Stacey and Natalie

Katie, Diana, and Brittany