In an earlier post I mentioned how I am always trying to convince others to do a triathlon. Well, I was able to convince all three of my girls to train for and race in the Rancho Seco Kids Triathlon on August 28. Unfortunately, Courtney got sick and was unable to do the race. Katelyn and Kylie did complete the race with mixed reviews. Kylie thought it was terrific. Katelyn did not have a good experience. We had to rush her to the start and she ended up not being able to breathe after the swim. She wanted to quit after the swim, but I encouraged her to do the bike. Once she completed the bike, she almost refused to do the one mile run. I told her I would walk with her. I basically forced her through it, but she crossed the finish line and got her finishers medal. Katelyn said she would not be opposed to doing another triathlon and hope for a better experience. Kylie can't wait to do another one.
Kylie before her 50 meter swim.
Katelyn after her 150 meter swim.
Kylie running to the transition area after the swim.
Kylie loving it one the four mile bike ride.
Kylie stopping for water before heading out for the one mile run.
Kylie showing off her finishers medal.
Katelyn reluctantly crossing the finish line. We are so proud of you girls for completing your first triathlon!