We had a fun and festive Fourth of July. We just hung out at home and enjoyed being together. It was an especially great holiday because Lloyd didn't have to work Friday night so he got to stay home and do fireworks with us. We started the day with strawberry and blueberry waffles. I enjoyed decorating the waffles with flags and stars. The kids loved eating them up!

The kids spent the morning and early afternoon swimming in our pool with their friends from the Seymour family. The Seymour parents are redoing their kitchen so it was great for them to have an empty house! They brought us pizza for lunch.

Yes, I made the whole family wear matching shirts for the holiday. I bought them for $3 each and I thought we all looked pretty patriotic in them! We also want to say thank you to Grandma for the patriotic pinwheels the kids are holding and many other treats she sent our way. She spoils us every holiday!

At 6:00 we went to our neighborhood block party. It's wonderful--the food is so great (BBQ chicken, different hot dog, dips, salads, etc) and we don't have to cook. The neighbors are all so friendly--most of them are original owners of their homes; we've lived here for 7 years and are still the new ones on the block. These block parties are a long tradition and we have them every 4
th of July and Christmas Eve.

I like this picture of me with my littlest girl and my littlest boy. I think Kylie and Conner look the most alike of all my kids!
After the block party, Lloyd made homemade ice cream for us. It's one of our favorite treats and Lloyd loves making it! We try not to do it very often because of the calories and the cost.

At nightfall, the whole block lit their fireworks. We're allowed to buy fireworks in our county and really enjoy them, even though Governor Schwarzenegger tried to discourage them this year. Courtney was so excited that Lloyd let her light some of the fireworks this year.
Conner was frightened of the fireworks so we put him to bed after they started. Cameron was excited about them at first (he loves anything to do with fire), but decided they were a little scary.

Katelyn and Kylie had fun with sparklers!
What a great holiday for our whole family. Sometimes the best times are those spent at home with the ones you love.
What a wonderful day! I love your matching shirts, they are just adorable!
Okay- those waffles were adourable! Now I'm hungry! I was worried that Sophie would be scared of the fireworks too but she loved them!!! She was awestruck watching them.
It's been so long since I've seen your family! I can't believe how everyone's growing. I'm glad you had such a great day!
What a fun red, white and blue day. I love the $3.00 shirts. I was thrilled that Lloyd got to stay home on a holiday. Hurray!
Again because of your great writing and pictures, I felt like I was there when I couldn't celebrate with you. You and Lloyd are doing a great job with your kids. I love you all,
Great pictures! You guys look so good! But I had to skip over the waffle pictures quickly or I would have started craving! Your abstinent Grandpa Jay.
You know, I will always associate red/white/blue with your family. Didn't your mom always dress you and your siblings up for the 4th? I remember Karen's b/day is the 4th and she mentioned getting new red/white/blue outfits every year. :)
Those waffles look sooo good. And so patriotic!
I love all your festive matching shirts---I love doing that too but I couldn't get to Old Navy to match--Way Super cute and fuN FUN!!! I just love the 4th of July! FUn Pics
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