It's that time of the year again - Back to School. This is such a bittersweet time. I love having my kids home for the summer. I love sleeping in with them and being lazy in the morning. I love having no homework to remind them about and no extra activities in the evening. However, there seems to be a lot more fighting in the summertime. I can never get the house clean. And Cameron, especially, seems to get into more trouble. So it's with mixed feelings, we begin a new school year. This is a year full of changes especially for the older girls. Katelyn is beginning middle school. Courtney is starting high school and early morning seminary. I'll have four kids at four different schools; that's a lot of schedules to keep track of. I am so glad that Lloyd was able to give each of the kids a father's blessing before going back to school. Cameron was old enough to start kindergarten this year, but I decided with his August 29 birthday I'd have him do one more year of preschool. He's in a five day a week program and he eats lunch at school every day. It's just what he needs!

St. Paul's Preschool
Junior Kindergarten
Mrs. Linda
August 28, 2009

Orchard Elementary
Third Grade
Ms. Bryan
August 3, 2009

Savage Middle School
Sixth Grade
Mrs. Kim
August 24, 2009

Enochs High School
Ninth Grade
August 24, 2009
I feel like back to school is something I usually dread but with life in chaos it seemed like it might save me. Although I have to admit all the activities are doing a number on me already! I don't know how you do all you do.
Yay back to school! Aren't you glad? Those kids are the cutest!!
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