On Thursday, November 19 the "Twilight Moms" of Modesto couldn't resist going to the midnight showing of "New Moon." We decided we needed to get together before the big show. Well, since there aren't many restaurants open late on Thursday nights we were so grateful that our friend Ashleigh agreed to host a "Cafe Rio" dinner at her home. Lauri made all the food assignments. It all tasted so delicious. Ashleigh made the special Cafe Rio pork and
tamatillo dressing. We also had tortillas, rice, tortilla strips,
pico de gallo, guacamole, etc. The chocolate chip cookie sundaes were also the best!

Ashleigh had the table decorated with "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" place cards. I sat at a "Team Edward." She had "Twilight" playing on the T.V. Quotes from "New Moon" also decorated the table. Ashleigh is quite the party planner and really made it fun for all of us.

After our late dinner we headed to the theater. We had to wait in the theater parking lot for hours. We really didn't even get inside the theater until after 11:30. It was very cold waiting out there for so long. I was glad I had one of my favorite pumpkin steamers from Starbucks to keep my hands warm.
I think we all loved the movie. We all agreed that it was much better than Twilight. Jacob is so much more endearing in this movie. I am a Team Edward all the way because of the books, but Taylor Lautner did a fabulous job making me reconsider. The corniest part of the movie had to be when they show Bella as a vampire in the future and she and Edward are skipping through a meadow. Other than that, I can't complain much. "Eclipse" is suppose to be out in June. The tradition of the midnight showings may just have to continue. At least it won't be so cold waiting outside in June. I am so lucky I have friends who are willing to be as crazy as me.
It was so fun!!! Thanks for your help as well. That late night was brutal the next day. Not sure I will do it again. I say let's go the next night at an 8pm showing.
This is Lauri BTW.
We had so much fun and enjoyed the movie. I have since seen it again. Waiting outside sounds miserable. Here all tickets have reserved seating so even with a huge huge crowd we just walk in and sit down. No lines ever. California needs to do that. It's awesome.
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