Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother

On this Mother's Day I wanted to take a moment to pay tribute to my mother. I have noticed that when people are asked who their greatest hero is or who has influenced them the most, they almost always describe one of their parents. I think this is because we get to know our parents on a much more intimate level than other people in our lives. Our parents, especially our mothers give more service to us than any other person. I am so grateful for all that my mother has done for me. She has been my caregiver, my teacher, my cheerleader, my example, and my friend. I am the oldest which means I was my mom's first baby. She adores this first picture of us right after I was born. Although her labor was extremely long and I was a posterior baby, I think she was excited about becoming a mother for the first time. Because I was the oldest, my mom was able to give me a lot of attention as a young child. I remember singing in the car with my mom as we did errands around town. I remember she always dressed me in cute outfits and made sure my hair looked nice. She made a big deal out of birthdays and holidays; they were always so fun. When I became an older child, my mom would help me with my homework. She would let me have playdates and signed me up for Girl Scouts, dance, gymnastics, etc. I have always been in awe of my mom's many talents. She is a great cook. She loves to bake at Christmas time and is especially good at candy making. She loved to can and dehydrate foods. She loves to give gifts and always adds an extra touch when she does her gift wrapping. She always kept a very clean and orderly house which has somewhat rubbed off on me. My mom is a very compassionate person and loves to serve others. I recall her bringing many meals to those in need or supporting others when they were going through a rough time. My mom is a nurse and has always enjoyed caring for others. The most important thing my mom has taught me is the gospel of Jesus Christ. My mother joined the Church when she was 16 years old. She has a strong testimony and strives to keep the commandments. She is always mindful of the Savior and tries to follow His example. She also relies on the Holy Ghost to guide her daily. I am so grateful for my mom's two best friends who shared the gospel with her. I am so thankful I was raised in a home where I was taught the gospel. Now my mom is a great grandma to my kids. She takes my girls school shopping. She has them over to her home for sleepovers and day trips. Of course, birthdays and holidays are still a big deal. She listens to me and gives me encouragement. She reminds me to read the scriptures. She has been a counselor to me when I served as the Activities Chairman and Relief Society President. She sends me cards and praises me when I need it. I am so grateful for this woman and the many ways she has influenced me. Thank you, Mom. I love you!

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