Monday, February 16, 2009

Finding the Time

Well, I finally had the time to update our family blog. I love three day weekends and the chance it gives me to catch up on things. Life constantly seems like a roller coaster. It's especially been challenging this year with me back to working almost every day (mostly half days, but it's still a challenge). I honestly feel so blessed to have the job opportunity I have to work part time in a kindergarten class. With the slow economy, I feel so grateful to have this opportunity to add to our family income. I still wonder how life got so busy. I am always hoping for an empty square on the calendar. Lloyd always reminds me that we have five kids and that means a busy life. Here are just a few things that keep me busy: laundry, serving in Young Womens, carpooling, Family Home Evenings, school activities and class parties, grocery shopping, Girl Scouts, visiting teaching, picking up toys, paying bills and trying to stay in a budget, meal preparation, organizing schedules, and did I mention laundry? Along with these things I have some things that keep me busy that I choose and want to do: going to the gym, playing on Facebook, reading books for book club, watching The Bachelor and American Idol, taking naps on the weekend, training for a half marathon, taking baths, scrapbooking on an occasional Friday night, taking friends out for their birthdays, and going on dates with Lloyd. Then, of course, there's the list of things I need to do better on: scripture study, temple attendance, being more patient and kind, and deep cleaning the bathrooms. I honestly believe our greatest challenge in these last days is deciding how we will spend our time. I am reminded of the talk by Dallin H. Oaks titled "Good, Better, Best." He talks about the good, the better, and the best ways to spend our time. I know I don't always spend my time on the best things. I think it's a good idea to take the time to reflect on life and recommit to what really are the most important things. This is and will always be a challenge for all of us - how to spend the precious commodity of time. Well, today I'm glad I had the time to update our blog with six new posts. I love it when our blog is up to date. I still enjoy going on Facebook more than I do blogging, but I treasure this blog for the memories it has captured. Hope you all have the time to create your best life!


Holly said...

Wow you are a machine! I love all the valentines - the kids are beautiful - I know what you mean about spending our time - there are always so many other worthwhile things I should be doing (even right now!)

Thanks for the motivation!

Anonymous said...

I am trying to figure out how to get ahold of you. I emailed your old worldnet account. I am hoping it still is used.

Unknown said...

Kristi- glad to see/read your blog. I enjoy all of the updates. Looks like you've been busy. Good thought on how we choose to spend our time. I'm going to go do something meaningful and get off the computer right now.