Saturday, April 18, 2009


Easter Sunday was more laid back this year. I laughed with my mom and my brother because we all live within a couple hours of each other, but we were all too tired to get together. Sometimes it's nice just to relax at home. This was the first year I didn't have the girls wear matching dresses. I think they were all relieved and looked cute anyway. The boys did have matching outfits and looked very handsome. I feel really happy when I look at this picture. I have to admit, I do have cute kids! After church, the kids got kites, bubbles, snacks, water guns, stickers, etc. from the Easter Bunny. We had a simple yet nice Easter dinner - ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, veggies and dip, rolls, and jello. The missionaries already had a dinner appointment so we had to break our tradition of having them over for every holiday. We had an adorable couple from our ward- The Gattons over. After dinner we had an egg hunt. Lloyd and Troy did a great job hiding all the eggs.
We ended our celebration with the kids decorating cookies. We also had sherbet and diet Sprite- a very refreshing and light dessert. We all enjoyed our relaxing Easter.


Becca said...

Great pictures! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun on Easter. :)

Jess said...

Hey! I've loved catching up on everything going on in the Payne Family! Cangrats on first place in the race and I can't believe the boys did that with Nail Polish!!! Did it come off??? You guys are such a great family!

Laura said...

I love how nicely everyone coordinates even though they are not exact matches! Your family is so beautiful and you are looking amazing! Great job Kristi!