Monday, October 19, 2009

The Poop Monster

This little guy is on my "list." It all started on September 28 when I went to his room to get him up from a nap and there was poop smeared everywhere! And I mean everywhere! It was on the walls, on the window, on his bed, on his toys, and even stuck to the top of the ceiling. It took an hour to clean up. Lloyd was working a double shift so he wasn't here to help. I was also suppose to take dinner to the missionaries. I had to call them and tell them their dinner would be a little late. When I told them why, they thought it was the funniest thing in the world - that's 19 year old guys for you. Anyway, this was not an isolated incident. He has gotten into his poop at least four to five times, but thankfully none of them were as bad as the first time. It is usually during his nap time, but one time he even got a diaper out of the garage trash and started playing with it! Some friends (both of them mothers of twins who had a similar problem) told me to try duct taping his diaper so he couldn't take it off. However,this guy is sneaky and he'll even go up the side of his diaper. I tried having him wear overalls during his nap,but again he just reached up his pant leg. Finally,my friend Katie suggested putting a sleeper on with the zipper in back. So far it is working! I had to cut the feet out of the sleeper, but he can't unzip it or reach up the pant leg. I think he's ready to potty train, but I am dragging my feet with it. I can't believe he'll be my last one to potty train. Hallelujah! Thank you, Katie, for the suggestion. I think he actually prefers his sleepers like this because the other day, I tried to put one on with the zipper in the front and he had a fit! Good thing he's so cute and I love him or I probably would have killed him!

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