Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Working Woman

I've been missing blogging so much. I'm excited that I actually get to sit down today and update my blog. I have been working (subbing) a lot since the kids went back to school. In fact, I've only had three days off (not counting weekends) in the past seven weeks. I haven't worked since Conner was born so this has been quite an adjustment for me and the family. I've really had to let a lot of things go, including keeping up with my blog. I also haven't been able to read all of your blogs so I hope you are all doing well. I'm looking forward to Veteran's Day when we all have a day off (except Lloyd). I've been working almost every day in a kindergarten class at Katelyn's school. The teacher there has been having some health problems. She'll teach in the morning and I come in for the afternoon. The teachers I work with are very loving Christian women. I feel like this opportunity has been a blessing from the Lord. We need the extra money and I feel so grateful that I don't have to work full time to earn it. I really enjoy the time I spend at work. The greatest challenge is keeping up with everything at home. Things should calm down a bit when soccer season is over. I guess I should be thankful I'm definitely not bored and I have no problem falling asleep at night, most days I'm pretty exhausted.


Scott and Kim said...

Hang in will all start to balance out. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Sara said...

wow,it sounds like the right job found you. That's great. It sounds tough but it sounds rewarding, so that's worth it.

The Aussie and the Owl said...
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The Aussie and the Owl said...

Kristi -you are like Superwoman! You never cease to amaze me. First the marathon and now this. Way to go girlie! Let me know if I can help out - I, unlike you, am totally bored during the day and can't fall asleep at night :)