Friday, January 9, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have FUN!

These pictures were taken on Monday, December 29. I let each of the girls have a friend over for a mini slumber party during Christmas break. They all got along so well and had a blast together. They ate snacks, played games, slid down the stairs on blankets, watched movies, had donuts for breakfast, and had tons of FUN together. I don't know if I'm going to officially write down my New Year's resolutions. I have a lot of goals, but I don't want to get discouraged by making a lot of resolutions I can't keep. I do have one I want to mention in this post. I have a resolution to be more FUN. I was always such a FUN-loving child and teenager and I want to recapture that zest for life. I want to work on not taking life so seriously. I want to lighten up and be a little more carefree. I want to be a FUN wife and mother. Life is too short to be bogged down with too many "To Do" lists and worrying about things I can't change. I want to more fully capture the joy life can bring.

1 comment:

Sara said...

What a cool Mom! My mom was like that. She is hte one that would take us TP'ing and all sorts of stuff. Your girls will love you for that.