Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Baby is Becoming a Big Boy

I am sad to say my little guy is becoming a big boy. Yes, he officially started in the nursery this month and is indeed already 18 months old. I think I'll always try to baby him more than my others because he's my last. I just feel like he's growing up way too fast! His personality is beginning to develop and he is learning to talk more. He is a very loving boy who almost always gives me a kiss when I ask for one. He also hugs me a lot and pats me on the back when he hugs me. He loves to play with cars and is always crawling on his knees to "drive" them around the house. He also loves balls of any kind or size. He loves to be with people and loves to follow his siblings around. He has even been an accomplice to Cameron in making messes (they got into the girls' make up and nail polish and made a huge mess in the bathroom this week). He cries if any of us leave the house and don't take him with us. I am trying to teach him his body parts, but haven't had much success yet. He can point to his nose when I ask him to. He absolutely loves to eat! Jess, the mom who watched him when we hiked Half Dome said he eats more than she does. He loves all sweets and fruit, but grapes are his very favorite. We're not sure if he's left or right handed. Courtney and Cameron are both lefties so we're interested to see what Conner will be. Conner loves to pray with us and immediately fold his arms when he hears the word "prayer." His new words include: uh oh, nigh-night, peek-a-boo, Mama or Mommy, bye-bye, and my very favorite: "Oh Man" (Kylie and Cameron started saying this a lot because Swiper from Dora says it, well Conner says it now and it is so adorable). If you can't tell, I am absolutely crazy about this little guy. I feel so blessed to be his mother and to have him be a part of my life.

First day in nursery - July 6, 2008

Conner's nursery teachers - Sister Tirre and Sister Brown


Laura said...

That little guy IS so cute. What a sweetie. Nursery is so much fun (for all).

Cathy L. said...


Tyson goes in the nursery next week. He just started walking a month or so ago. I thought he might crawl in there. We miss your family!

Cathy L.