Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Great to Be Eight

Our littlest girl is eight years old. It's been a little sad for me not having any more little, little girls. We've given away almost all our baby dolls, tiny dress up clothes, and ballerina stuff. I try to use a ribbon or bow in Kylie's hair when I can, but I know that soon we won't be needing those either. I have to admit, I have saved just a few little girl dresses that I couldn't part with - I am hoping my granddaughters can use them. Kylie's birthday fell on a Thursday this year,and there was no school on Friday due to an inservice day. It was perfect for her slumber party. All the girls have been allowed a slumber party for their eighth birthday. Kylie got a new bike for her birthday. I feel bad because she was with us when we bought it so it really wasn't a surprise. In fact, for the two weeks before her birthday she saw it every day in the garage. Even though it was in the garage, I told her she couldn't ride it until her birthday. So the morning of her birthday she rode it to school. I rode my bike along with her. Yes, I feel bad I didn't try to wrap Kylie's bike or even put a bow on it, but what was the point in doing that when she'd seen it every day for two weeks. Anyway, I think it's an adorable bike. It's my favorite color -pink and the plaid accents are really cute too. Kylie loves riding it to school almost every day. Kylie's cute friends loved playing in the pool at the party. Such cute, fun, and silly girls.
With all the birthday cake at our house, Kylie decided to get something different. She got an ice cream cake from Coldstone!
The girls had fun wearing their PJs, camping out in the living room, and watching movies until after midnight.
In the morning, the girls had donuts, scrambled eggs, and bacon. Yummy! They also had fun playing Twister. Kylie is so lucky to have such cute friends!

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