Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kylie's Baptism

Kylie's baptism was on my birthday, September 5. It was a perfect day! We were all so excited for Kylie.
Grandma and Grandpa Jay came. Grandpa Jay sang at the baptism.

So did Chareen and Bryce. Chareen gave a beautiful talk. Lloyd baptized Kylie. He felt blessed to baptize his youngest daughter.Kylie's friend, Erinn Messer, was baptized at the same time. They looked so cute together. The most precious part of the baptism was when they sang "I am a Child of God" together. They were holding hands and looked so sweet.
Kylie and Erinn each had their own cake. All the guests enjoyed a fabulous meal of taco salad and nachos after the baptism. It was a perfect day for two beautiful girls.

We are so proud of Kylie and her decision to be baptized. When I asked her if she wanted to be baptized, she said "Of course, I want to become a member of the Church." Her testimony is beginning to grow. We love Kylie's desire to be obedient and to be kind to others. She is a strong spirit with a lot of determination. We feel blessed to have her in our family.

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