Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bittersweet/Primary Talent Show

On September 7, I was released from my church calling in the Primary Presidency. It was bittersweet for me. I had been serving in the Primary since May of 2006, which made it about two and a half years. I really loved serving in the Primary for several reasons. First, I have always loved working with children. My first job was at a preschool and I ended up choosing elementary school teaching as my profession. I love the cute things young children say. I love to watch their faces light up when they learn something new. I love to get hugs from them. Children are so innocent, teachable, and eager to please (most of the time). I loved working with the primary children in our ward. I liked serving in the Primary because I was always busy on Sundays. Church just seemed to fly by and I was never bored. I had an excuse to "roam the halls." I loved the women I served with. The Primary president was my good friend, Ann Seymour, who I met in seventh grade. Although I have lived in the same ward as Ann for seven years now, this was the first presidency I ever served in with her. We had a lot of fun and I came to love and appreciate her even more. Our secretary that served with us is Teresa Fields. She is very talented and creative. She is single without any children of her own, but obviously loves children because she works at an elementary school. Ann had two counselors that served with her besides me. The first one was Rebekah Wyckoff. She planned and carried out the most amazing quarterly activities I've ever seen. She has the most grand ideas and was never afraid of a challenge. Some of the amazing activities we did with Sister Wyckoff were a 3-day pioneer day camp, a Primary MTC and mission visit, a Plan of Salvation reenactment, and a Meet Your Teacher breakfast. Here we are on the last day of the Pioneer day camp in June 2006. I was pregnant with Conner and it's not the best picture because there was a smudge on my camera lens, but it still brings back the memories. The other counselor that served with us is Shari Johnson. I think the calling was a blessing in Shari's life since she served when she was going through a divorce. Shari is a very hard worker. She loves the children and watches out for them. She also has a great sense of humor. Some activities we did when Shari was in the presidency was a family day at the Oakland temple, Christmas caroling on a trailer (we all sat on hay bails and drove throughout the neighborhood), and a talent show. Here is the presidency pretending to be midgets at the talent show. I was sad and very surprised when I found out we were being released. I will miss serving in the Primary. I loved all the Primary teachers we served with. I got to know them well and had some special experiences with them during teacher development. I felt the Spirit during many of our sharing times. I am amazed at how valiant the spirits are of the children who have been saved for the latter-days. Immediately after I was released I learned that I would have the opportunity to serve in the Young Women's program as the secretary. Ann was also called to YW. Two of my other close friends are in YW too - Regina Reavill and Lori Case. So I am excited about my new calling. I will be in there with Courtney, and maybe even Katelyn. I also feel extremely relieved because I don't have to write and carry out the Primary Sacrament Meeting program that will take place next month. Anyone who has ever done a primary program knows it's a tremendous amount of work. I feel bad that the new presidency has to do it, but with the Lord's help you can do anything. I am also excited about being able to attend the Gospel Doctrine class. I really want to improve on my personal scripture study and since we're studying the Book of Mormon this year, it's perfect. Here's a picture of Shari, Ann, and me on the day we got released. Change can be hard, but it's what makes us learn and grow. I am grateful for all that I have learned from my service in the Church.
These other pictures are of my kids at the Primary Talent Show on August 23. Each of them shared a different talent. Courtney danced to Cotton-Eyed Joe with her friends Kelly and Courtnie.
Katelyn baked cookies and brownies with her friend Brianna.
Kylie did gymnastics (a love she got from me).
For Cameron's talent I made a 20 page mini scrapbook about his love for trains. I included pictures of all the train rides he's gone on. Also included was the picture above of him with his Thomas the train collection. This is a project I've wanted to do for a while so I'm glad the talent show forced me to get it done. Cameron loves looking at his train scrapbook.

Lloyd also got to share some of his talents at the talent show. He made a DVD of some of the primary children acting out their talents. He did a great job putting it all together and even added some sound effects. Lloyd also grilled hot dogs for everyone to eat at the talent show. He was really in his element; he loves to cook or barbecue. Conner showcased the talent of being cute like he always is.

The Primary Talent Show was a huge success for everyone involved. Our presidency didn't know this would be our last activity so it was great to finish on a high note.


Sara said...

Somtimes it is sad to leave a calling, but your new one sounds exciting too!
I love that train idea you did as a scrapbook. How fun. It looks like the talent show was a blast!

Laura said...

I am so impressed with you and your willingness to serve in a new calling. I have been in Activity days for 3.5 yrs. I sometimes feel bored with it but I worry what I would be called to next. I loved being Young Women's secretary and i know you will enjoy being with Courtney.