Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Conner's 1st Birthday

Our little guy is one years old! His first year has just flown by. I keep telling him not to grow up, but he's just not listening. I have really tried to enjoy each moment with him especially since he's our last baby. I feel so grateful for the joy I have experienced throughout the last year. I feel so blessed that he is such a healthy and happy baby. His birth couldn't have gone any better. I really got to enjoy him as a newborn because Lloyd took two months off from work. He is such a sweet and content baby. His laugh and smile just melt my heart. The other day he feel asleep in my arms and I just held him and enjoyed looking at his precious face. I always have something that needs to be done, but I know all too well that little babies grow up. Today I got to take a little nap with him on the couch; it was the best! At twelve months old, Conner is growing up. He can climb up and down the stairs. He eats just about everything. He loves to play with cars and trucks. He has started to get mad when toys are taken away from him, and unfortunately, he has started biting. He loves music and when the kids dance around him. He loves peek-a-boo. He's still our little baby in many ways though. He has no desire to start walking; he prefers to crawl and screams when we try to make him walk. He still loves to nurse and always puts his hand to my mouth for me to kiss it. He is learning how to drink out of a cup. He loves to be held, mostly by Mommy, but also really likes his Dad and sisters. He's not really talking much; he communicates mostly through crying, grunting, or laughing. He has a cute little head with a fair amount of blonde hair. He hates wearing socks/shoes so he's going around town in the middle of winter with bare feet. Well, as you can see from these pictures Conner is adored by us all and the love and joy of our lives. (You may notice some scratches on Conner's cheeks; he got the scratches because the day before his birthday Cameron decided to try cutting his face with a pair of adult scissors. This did not go over well with Conner or Mom.) Conner did have a fun first birthday. He opened his presents and had a lot of fun with his cake. Happy Birthday, Conner!

Daddy made a dinner Conner loved: turkey,
mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls

Lots of presents!
My new car!

Conner had a lot of fun with
his birthday cake. He especially
loved the frosting. When he
would grab a chunk of cake with no frosting, he would just throw
it on the floor. After he had eaten all the frosting off the cake, he started pounding on it like a drum. He really loved having a whole cake to himself!

1 comment:

Cathy L. said...

Oh Kristi, He is so cute!! Tyson will be one in a few weeks. It does fly by, doesn't it? What a gorgeous family! We miss you all!

Cathy Lillian