Friday, January 25, 2008

Weight Loss Update

Well, I lost two pounds from the last time I weighed in at Weight Watchers on December 31. I only lost .5 from last week, so now I am 13.8 away from my goal. I did get a bit discouraged this week because I am trying so hard and the weight seems to come off so slowly. I am trying to be patient which doesn't come easily to me. I have resisted a lot of things that were offered to me (cinnamon rolls, heart candies, Girl Scout cookies,). I have been watching my serving sizes too, but mostly focusing on getting sugar out of my system. It's so much easier to resist treats when I don't have any sugar in my system. I would like to share some of my favorite diet foods that have worked for me. My favorites are oatmeal, sugar free hot chocolate, popcorn, Crystal Lite or diet soda, and lots and lots of water. I also go out for frozen yogurt when I really need a treat. Reporting my progress on my blog has also kept me motivated and has helped me to stick to the program. I will give another update next week. Thanks to Laura, Holly, and Penny for your comments on last week's post. I really appreciate your support!

P.S. I left the four older kids home asleep last night (Lloyd was working) and took the baby to the movies at 9:30 along with ten other girls. We were celebrating a friend's birthday. We saw 27 Dresses. I absolutely loved it! I laughed a lot and enjoyed how upbeat it was. I would recommend it especially for women, guys might like it too. It's not really appropriate for young children (rated PG-13). I am so glad I got to go out. I left the movie in such a happy mood and Conner was perfect, he slept the whole time.


Holly said...

We saw 27 Dresses last week after one of our HFPE groups - it was soooooo funny!

Kudos on your weight loss, but I'm sure you sooo don't need to lose it!!!

Penny said...

That's great, but you always look awesome!

I heard that movie was good. That is what we are supposed to see for our "Girl's night out" but we'll see if it's still out by the time we go. Keep up the good work!