Friday, January 25, 2008

We're Brothers Forever

This post is about Cameron and Conner being brothers. However, I got the title from a recent American Idol episode featuring a guy named Renaldo who wrote a song entitled, "We're Brothers Forever." My girls and I have really enjoyed watching this and laughing at it. If anyone would like to view it the link is

Anyway, I took this picture of my boys a couple weeks ago. When I went to check on the boys before going to bed this is how I found them. I thought it was so cute that Cameron climbed in Conner's crib with him and they fell asleep like this. Cameron even has his two favorites -- his cup and nigh night (blanket). Since this date it hasn't been quite as "cute" when Cameron climbs in Conner's crib especially when Conner is asleep and Cameron ends up waking him up! We have had to be very firm with Cameron about not getting in the crib. Well, these boys are definitely turning into brothers. Cameron is so sad when Conner is asleep and asks me to get him up. Conner loves to watch Cameron and enjoys playing cars with him. However, there are times when they get annoyed with each other, like all siblings do. Conner is already starting to hold his own. Yes, he has started screaming, hitting, and even biting when a toy is taken away from him or when he doesn't get what he wants. Looks like he's going to be a biter just like Cameron was. I just wanted to share a couple funny things Cameron said this week. When I asked him, "Cameron who is my boyfriend?" He smiled and said "Me!" When I asked him what he wants to be when he grows up, he said "a dinosaur." I am still learning about boys and seeing how different they are from girls. I am so grateful I got these two boys who will be brothers forever.


Laura said...

That picture is ADORABLE! I totally relate to thinking something is cute that later turns into a problem. My girls do that to me all the time. Your boys are lucky to have each other!

Holly said...

What a sweet post - it is so true about the boy thing - well i guess any siblings! But in a house with more girls in it they have to stick together!

Hope things are well - that We're Brothers Forever song was a riot!

And - we're having a stamp camp March 8th - sure you can't come!!??