Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Our Christmas Traditions

We are beginning to establish some annual Christmas traditions. We have tried to make several of them Christ-centered so we can "remember the reason for the season."
  • Journey to Bethlehem - This is a favorite one for the entire family. A church in Ceres (town right next to Modesto) has been giving this gift to the community for ten years now. The Journey to Bethlehem is a 45 minute trek similar to the one Mary and Joesph would have taken to get to Bethlehem. We travel in families with tour guides dressed in Biblical clothes. As we greet one another we say, "Shalom." We begin the journey in Nazareth at Joseph's carpenter shop, then we cross the Jordan River. Along the way, angry Roman soldiers who ride real horses stop us and call all of us (Jews) "pigs." At the next stop, we warm ourselves near the fire of a family who is also traveling to pay their taxes. We see the wise men with their gifts for Jesus and a real camel. We also see the shepherds and the angel. We have to meet King Herod. We stop at the marketplace in Bethlehem. We meet the innkeeper and his wife. The final stop on our journey is in the stable with Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. At this stop, we all kneel at the Baby Jesus while a special song is sung. It is very spiritual and touching. The kids beg to go year after year. We usually have to wait anywhere from 1-2 hours just to get through the line, and then another 45 minutes for the journey. It is very cold waiting outside. We had the whole family with us this year, all bundled up. The kids favorite part is the angry Roman soldiers; they really can be scary. I am amazed at the real camel we get to see up close. The marketplace is also really cool with everything for "sale" from grains to fabrics to fruit to candles to breads. It's very fancy and fun to look at. This church really goes all out. There is no cost and they even give you warm cider after the journey. If anyone would like more info regarding this event the link is http://graceceres.org/Journey.htm
  • Nativity Festival - Each year our stake has a nativity festival where hundreds of nativity sets are put on display. We always enjoy looking at all the different nativities. The Primary children are also invited to sing at the festival. This year Kylie and Katelyn got to sing. It was very sweet! The festival has a special children's room where the children can make their own nativities.

Primary Children's Choir at Nativity Festival

Our singers - Katelyn and Kylie
  • Primary Caroling - This was actually the first year we did this so I don't know if it will become a tradition. As a Primary, we all got in a trailer pulled by the Primary President's 12- passenger van. The trailer was decorated with lights and had bails of hay for the children to sit on. We drove (very slowly) around the neighborhood and caroled. The kids all seem to have a fun time and I think the neighborhood liked it too. We ended at the Primary President's home with hot chocolate and cookies.

Modesto 8th Ward Primary

Caroling on the trailer ...

  • Photo with Santa - I'm planning on doing another post about our trips to see Santa. Let's just say this is a tradition I have carried on from my own childhood. I took a picture with Santa every Christmas until I was 17 years old. My mom has all the photos, except for the one from my first Christmas which was lost in the mail (they didn't do Polaroids in 1973 and mailed the photos).
  • A Visit to Temple Hill - We try to make it out to the Oakland Temple at least once during Christmastime so we can see all the beautiful lights. Sometimes we even enjoy some of the concerts they have there (the hand bell choir is my favorite). This year we went on December 8. It was a very special day because it was the first day Courtney went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead; Lloyd got to baptize her. Kristi also got to do a session that day; she's pretty sure that was her first temple trip since Conner was born. In the evening, we all enjoyed a family dinner at Round Table Pizza and got to see all the pretty lights.
  • Our Forever Family

    Oakland Temple

  • Gifts at the Dollar Store - Every year we take the children to the Dollar Store so they can buy gift for each other and for me and Lloyd. We really want them to learn that Christmas is about giving to one another. They are really cute and thoughtful about picking out and wrapping the gifts for each other. They try to be very secretive about what they got each other. It's a fun tradition!
  • Card/Annual Letter - Every year I make cards for all our family and friends and send them out with an annual newsletter (we do about 100). I keep each year's cards/letter in a special book. It's great for Family History. I also love receiving cards and letters from family and friends. (By the way, one of my friends asked how I can afford to send out the professional photos we take. We always go to a place called Lee Photo. They use to give out the negatives for free and I would go to Longs and print them out. Starting in 2007, you have to pay $7 to receive a CD of all your photos or $20 if you want the negatives. We have gone to this studio since 2004; they all know our family.)
  • Gifts for Friends/Families we Home or Visit Teach - A few years back I started a tradition of giving out homemade gifts. I try to do something creative. I've given out Family Home Evening kits, an advent story book (took way too long to type up), and this year we made CDs. I hope I can think of a new idea next year.
  • Christmas In the Park - We have a tradition to visit Christmas in the Park in downtown San Jose. I use to decorate trees for it when I was a Girl Scout and a cheerleader. Well, with Lloyd having to work Christmas Eve, Christmas, the day after, we just didn't make it there this year. I know we'll be back next year.
  • Christmas Eve Block Party/Luminaries - Every Christmas Eve we have a block party at the home of one of the neighbors. We begin the party by decorating the entire street with luminaries (candles in brown paper bags). It really looks amazing; everyone calls is "Santa's runway." Then we enjoy lots of food and visiting with one another. It's a great way to keep in touch with the neighbors and it's early enough that we can still do our own thing as a family. I planned on taking some photos of the luminaries all along the street and forgot. I'll have to do it next year!
  • Christmas Movies - There are just a few Christmas movies we have to watch every year. Most are ones I loved as a child. Some of our favorites are: Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Christmas Eve on Sesame Street, Frosty's Winter Wonderland, Yogi's First Christmas, and It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. I discovered a new one to add to the favorites, The Christmas Shoes, it is based on the song with the same title which was on the CDs we gave out. This movie is just so precious. Katelyn and I watched it and just cried together. It shows on Lifetime or you can buy it from Amazon.com. I highly recommend it especially if you like the song.
  • Reading (or Acting Out) of the Christmas Story from Luke - Of course this is a very special tradition we do each Christmas Eve or Christmas. This year was a little crazy with Lloyd's work schedule so we just watched Luke 11 (church video). Kylie kept reminding me, "Christmas is not about presents, it's really about Jesus."
Christmas time is such a magical time of the year. It's a special time when we can be together as a family and feel the love of the Savior. It's so wonderful to be able to spend Christmas with our little ones. I now understand what it means when people say you receive more joy when you give than receive. I wouldn't trade the look on my children's faces on Christmas morning for all the money in the world.

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