Friday, January 18, 2008

My Un-Resolutions

When I started thinking about what resolutions I wanted to make for the new year, I started feeling anxious about making more goals for myself when I already have so much on my plate. I am constantly trying to improve myself and do set many goal (maybe too many). For these reasons, instead of making New Year's Resolutions this year, I am making what I call "un-resolutions" Listed below are my un-resolutions. I hope they help me to be a more relaxed and peaceful person.
  • Instead of constantly multitasking and thinking about what I need to do next, I'll try to focus on the present and enjoy each moment.
  • Instead of beating myself up when I make a mistake, I'll brush it off and know I'm human; I'll be less judgemental the next time someone else makes a mistake.
  • Instead of always trying to have the entire house clean or the laundry done, I'll realize with small children these things will always be a work in progress.
  • Instead of scolding my children when they misbehave, I'll give them a hug, tell them I love them and explain that we all make mistakes.
  • Instead of feeling guilty when I lounge around the house or give myself a treat occasionally, I'll appreciate how important it is for me to recharge my batteries.
  • Instead of being constantly busy and always rushing to the next activity, I will slow down and try not to over schedule myself or my kids.
  • Instead of telling Lloyd how I feel about every little thing, I'll bite my tongue more and remind myself how much I really do love him.
  • Instead of always going to extremes and being an over-achiever in things like my calling or being a Girl Scout leader, I'll try to delegate more and simplify.
  • Instead of focusing on what I didn't get done each day, I'll focus on what I did accomplish.
  • Instead of focusing so much on my weight on the scale, I'll try to realize how fit I feel and try to make wise food choices.
  • Instead of making chore assignments for my children, I'll ask them what game they want to play.

1 comment:

Laura said...

This was one of the best posts I have ever read! What a great way to change. What great things to remember. I may have to steal this and print it in my house to refer to!